How to Sleep Better
f you’re anything like me, sleeping is your favorite part of the day. Your body is wired in such a way that if it doesn’t get the correct amount of sleep, it lets you know. Whether that be in the form of a headache, a fever, or even just fatigue throughout the day. Next time you are struggling with getting some shut-eye, try the following steps to ensure your body is feeling rested and prepared for the day ahead.
Don’t sleep with your phone
Turn your phone off, and leave it charging in another room 45 minutes before you go to bed. Your phone screen emits a soft blue glow which disrupts your circadian rhythm, and prevents your brain from switching off. If you rely on your phone’s alarm clock to wake you up for work; try buying an old-school alarm clock.

Take a hot shower/bath before sleeping
This will help your body relax and your mind unwind before your sleep. It’s important not to shower too close to the time you’re planning to sleep. Try and plan it so you’re done about an hour and a half before you want to hit the sack. This way, by the time you lay down in bed, your body will be cool, dry and ready for sleep.

Invest in a good quality mattress and pillow
Make sure that your pillow and mattress is comfortable for you. Just like when you’re picking out skincare products, or makeup, you need to find the bed that’s right for you. Don’t be afraid to spend a little bit more on a bed that is comfortable and will last longer. Quality is always worth it.
Avoid caffeine after 12 pm
Caffeine lasts up to 12 hours in your body, meaning, the earlier you stop consuming it during the day, the better rest you will get.

Save your bed for sleep
Try not to do any work in bed. Yes, it may be more comfortable than a desk. However, it will make you associate your bed with work and e-mails etc., making it more difficult for you to relax when it comes time to sleep.
Exercise regularly
Moderate physical exercise during the day, or just before bed can strengthen circadian rhythms, promoting daytime alertness and helping to induce sleepiness at night.
Develop a consistent daily routine
Personal hygiene routines such as dental care, skincare and changing into different clothes before bed can boost your body’s capacity to sleep well. It’s also recommended that you get up and go to bed at the same time every day, as it establishes a routine for your body to follow.

Read a chapter of your favorite (physical) book.
Not only will this distract you from going on your phone, it will also induce drowsiness and set you up for a good night’s sleep. Just make sure it’s not the type of book that you will spend all night trying to finish.

Pick a bedtime (and stick to it)
If you are constantly going to bed at different times, your body clock will get confused. Try to keep everything as normal for your body as possible. If you accidentally stay up longer than usual one night, make up for it the next night by getting right back into your original routine.