
Summer Wellness Reset

5 Activities For Busy Moms

Yellow Star


Summertime is a wonderful time to explore new activities with your family. So take advantage of the sunshine and try these activities for an active summer.

WARNING:  The following activities are extremely fun and easy to do, so do them at your own risk 😉

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Water parks bonanza

Who doesn't love a good splash when the weather is this hot? Taking your kids to water parks is fun and relaxing for everybody. Don't forget the sunscreen though!.

Soak up that Vitamin D

It's hot outside and the days are full of bright sunlight, so spend as much time as you want outside with your family to reap the many benefits of vitamin D for your skin.

Enjoy the pool season

Summer is the best time to have fun at the pool. It's something you can do with your loved ones no matter their age.  Hint: I love going to the pool with my kid!

Have a picnic

Enjoy the season and spend quality time outdoors with your friends and family by having a picnic and playing some fun outdoor games.

Outdoor Walks

Go for a run or take a walk outdoors to get that cardio burn.  This will keep you active, boost your mood, and elevate your endorphins, but don't forget to stay hydrated!

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