
Recognizing Your Emotional Triggers

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Have you ever noticed that certain things make you feel less than great? It might be something as simple as feeling too tired, or maybe more serious like when you gain weight due to stress.

Have you ever found yourself in a situation where you've felt bad about yourself?

Tap here to find out how to recognize your own triggers

Woman Reading

Manage your emotions


Identify the situation you're feeling bad about


Take a few deep breaths


Ask yourself if you're doing anything to trigger this feeling


Decide what you can do to change the situation

Use the power of your mind

When you feel like you're about to give up, ask yourself what you're afraid of. Once you identify this fear, you can use it to push you to get up and go.

Understand that everyone has insecurities

Everyone struggles with weight and self-esteem at some point.  That doesn't mean you're weak or less than anyone else. It just means that you're human.

Find your tribe

It's important to surround yourself with people who share similar interests and goals.   They're the ones who will keep you on track and feeling positive about the future.

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