
Why You Should Be Eating

more fiber

Did you know that consuming more fiber may help you lose weight and keep it off?

One of the most common questions I get from my clients is related to fiber intake...



Today we’re covering everything you need to know about dietary fiber, from where you get it and much more...

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What is dietary fiber?

Dietary fiber is the indigestible part of plant foods.  The part that your body can’t break down into sugar.



Better gut health

Promotes healthy weight

Lowers diabetes risk

Why is it good for you?

Improves bowel movements

Lowers cholesterol levels

Controls blood sugar levels

Black beans, avocado

Chickpeas, quinoa, raspberries

Blackberries, lentils

Almonds, popcorn, banana

Mixed vegetables, sweet potato


Where do you get it from?

How much do you need?

The dietary fiber requirements for adult men and women are... Men: 30-38 grams/day Women: 25-30 grams/day


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