
How To Stop Cravings

in their tracks

You know what? When it comes to food, it is often difficult to say no...

It's no wonder that most people who want to lose weight find it nearly impossible



But not everything is lost... That's why here are some simple ways to help you reduce those stubborn cravings...

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Pay attention to your "urges"

There is nothing wrong with having "urges" as long as you satisfy those urges with healthy choices. For example, if you are hungry, it would be foolish to eat a doughnut because that will make you much more hungry later on.



Challenge yourself with complex tasks

What I'm talking about is deliberately trying to perform difficult mental and physical tasks. When you do this on a regular basis, you will find it easier to stick to your exercise routine, to stick to a diet, or to overcome a bad habit.

Force yourself to exercise

If you are trying to lose weight and you are struggling with willpower, chances are you will not succeed. But if you force yourself to exercise when you are tired or lazy, you will gain the willpower to keep at it until you succeed.



Cut out people who increase your craving for junk food

Craving junk food is one of the main reasons people overeat. And, if you are around people who constantly tell you how great certain foods are for you (like fried chicken or potato chips) you will be especially susceptible to this type of bad influence.

Don't eat when you're not hungry 

It is easy to get into the habit of eating when you are not physically hungry. This causes you to overeat, which puts on weight and makes you feel sluggish. The opposite is also true. If you go too long without eating, you will start to feel weak and tired, and you will begin to crave food.



Don't eat between meals

You shouldn't eat between meals if you want to lose weight. Why? Simply because food that has been stored as fat, will stay in your body much longer than usual if you don't give your body an opportunity to burn off the calories you consume.

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