
How To Stay On Track

on weekdays

First of all... you DON’T need to *stay on track* to feel good from the inside out

There's a huge misconception that you need to *behave* on weekdays to see results



That's NOT TRUE and there's no need to feel anxious or guilty for going out for pizza on a Wednesday...

Swipe left to find out!

Plan your workout first thing in the morning

The key is to plan out those activities in advance and tackle them as soon as possible after waking up... whether it's a group workout or a solo class



Watch your portions

If you didn’t have time to meal prep or take anything with you before heading out for work, the best way to stay on track is by controlling your portions... Just remember NOT to deprive yourself!

Say "NO" to restrictions

If the only time you eat foods you enjoy is on the weekend, you're going to have a hard time staying on track... Make sure to include some of your favorite foods (Monday through Friday) in moderate portions



Monitor how you feel throughout the week

The best benchmark of how well (or how poorly) you're handling your weekdays is to check in with yourself... Make sure to check how you feel mentally, physically, and emotionally during the week

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