
How To Practice

Body Positivity

Loving your own body is often easier said than done and changing the way we think about our image requires daily effort...

That's why these quick and effective tips will help you work on body positivity...


Practice gratitude

Starting each day with a sentence as simple as... “Thank you (body part) for (doing its physical function)” can put you in a positive mindset for the rest of the day



Don't set size related goals

Instead of setting an “ultimate weight goal” as motivation to lose weight, focus on how great you feel after each workout that you complete

Start living your "dream live" now

It’s easy to fall into the mentality that “once I achieve X, then I will start doing Y" Stop waiting, and start doing! Life is too short to be waiting around for tomorrow



Make time for things that spark joy

Finding hobbies that make you happy will give you confidence in your day-to-day life. When was the last time you did something just for you?

Stop comparing yourself... period!

I’m not just talking about those models you see in magazines  – oftentimes we compare ourselves to friends, family, and coworkers without even realizing it


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