How To Maintain Your Wellness

In College

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College is an exciting time, and it's easy to forget about your health while focusing on partying and socializing


So, how do you maintain your wellness in college?

Tap next to find out

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Set up a regular schedule

Create a routine that works for you. Make sure you wake up and go to bed at the same time each day. Stick to this routine on weekdays, then gradually extend to weekends.

Be a self-starter

You don't have to wait until classes begin before starting your fitness routine. Start small and build your way up.

Don't overdo it

Too much of a good thing isn't always a good thing. Don't get so caught up in working out that you neglect your sleep or eating habits.

Exercise in the afternoon

This way, you'll have more energy to study or focus on other parts of your life.

Keep your stress levels in check

Don’t let your stress levels get the best of you. Take a walk, meditate, or spend time with friends to keep your mind and body balanced.

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