
Practicing Gratitude & Self-Care:

Questions & Answers

Practicing gratitude and self-care keeps the good vibes floating and helps you boost your mood, increase your energy, and focus on the good things in your life.


Here are the most common questions about gratitude and self-care that you might be searching for along with clear answers that will allow you to start benefiting from this practice.

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Practicing gratitude is one of the best things we can do to improve our well-being. But how do you start?  Here are two very simple ways to do it...


What's the best way to start practicing gratitude?


Start by thinking about the good things you have in your life, and then think about all the things you don't have. Then think about what you want, but remember to be grateful for all you already have

Practice gratitude by thinking of three things you are grateful for every day. The first thing is a good feeling, the second is a special memory, and the third is something you can be thankful for.

How do you practice it daily?

I try to be grateful for each day I've been given. I make a list of all the things I'm grateful for and I thank my husband for being there for me and for our son.

What's your top tip for making a gratitude jar?

Every time you do something that makes you happy, grab a piece of paper and add it to the jar. You will be surprised how quickly the jar will fill up!

What are your favorite self-care activities for mental health?

Writing about my feelings: this is a huge one and it's so easy to do. Balancing my day-to-day: I set boundaries and I respect them.

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