Exercise 101:

Simple Tips To Get Started

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Why should I exercise? Well... don’t just do it because you should. Think of exercise as your ticket to a better life. You'll feel better, look better, and live longer.

But do you know how to get started?

Tap next to find out

Find a workout buddy

Whether it's meeting up with a friend for a run or joining a gym, having a workout partner is an excellent motivator to keep you on track.

Keep your workouts short

Try to squeeze in a quick workout before you leave home. Short workouts are less likely to put you off schedule, and they also help you build momentum.

Start with a simple activity

You don't need to do a full-body workout right away. A few easy exercises like walking, running, or swimming will help you get into shape.

Get your family on board

If you have a family, make it a priority to get everyone involved. This will help motivate you to stay on track and keep you accountable.

Listen to your body

Your body needs time to adjust to new activities, and it will tell you when it’s ready to push harder. Don’t push yourself to exhaustion.

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