
5 Ways To Prevent Common Workout Injuries

...and still get in a good sweat!

Most people who exercise regularly experience minor injuries. These are called "overuse" injuries...

Learn how to prevent them before they become serious and keep you away from your next sweat session...


Start slowly and increase gradually

When first starting out, it's not unusual for people to throw themselves into training with an intensity that is not only unsustainable but harmful.  Start with moderate exercise of around 30 minutes and gradually build upon this baseline.



Dress for your sport ⁣

Many sports injuries occur because of the lack of proper equipment, including clothes and shoes. Whichever activity you're engaged in, make sure you're equipped with the appropriate clothing and footwear.

Listen to your body

You never want to work out to the point of feeling pain. If an activity hurts, stop doing it right away. A workout can definitely be hard and challenging, but it should never cause you pain.



Mix up your routine with cross-training

Instead of focusing on only one type of exercise, add variety to your fitness program. Adding different low-impact activities (such as walking, biking, and jogging) can help prevent injuries by allowing your body to use different muscle groups.

Warm up before exercising

It's surprising how many people will jump straight into weight training or a treadmill run without stretching or getting their muscles warmed up. Even if you're in great physical condition, you need to warm up before exercising to prevent injuries.


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